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The Best Construction License Study Material This Side Of The Mississippi.

by | License Stuff, Study Material

If you’re looking for the best Construction Law License Study Material to pass your California State Tests. Keep looking. And also, look no further.

No, we’re not located in Mississippi, but we are located at least five miles away in the great state of California (my memory of geography is fuzzy at best, like my pet koala bear named Stephen).

You’re not amused by my humor, huh? Well, I’m not amused by your haircut.

So, anyway, now that we got that out of the way and we’re best friends. Let’s talk about it:

You’re trying to get your Contractors License (for California, we hope, because it’s the best state) and you need License study materials.

We can help. We’re a contractor school. And we sell study materials and courses. We offer many options. Crazy, right?


photo of a turtle swimming underwater
Photo by Belle Co on Pexels.com (chose this picture of a turtle because it looks super cool)

We offer an online program. And it’s our favorite because you don’t have to come to any of our physical (brick-and-mortar, as the old folk say) schools. You can learn from home. Or from your own workplace. Or from Starbucks. Or from some other Starbucks. Or from anyplace that has wifi. (So not the middle of Yosemite… Yeah, I’m talking to you, rock climber. What a strange hobby you have).

Our Livestream program might bankrupt you, but it’s worth it (that’s a joke, jeez). It’s a great program because you’ll be able to login to the livestreams once a week over ZOOM (if you don’t know what Zoom is you somehow missed 2020 and that’s fine by us). And we’ll ship you the physical companion materials–your law book and trade book.

You’ll also be granted access (by a genie not unlike the blue one in Aladdin) to our online practice tests. You’ll have access to these for six months. Which will be more than enough time for you to study, study, study.


close up photo of grey koala bear
Photo by Flip Side on Pexels.com (this is Stephen. we call him STEVE sometimes)

This option is similar to the Livestream option except that you will not have access to LIVE classes over Zoom. We’ll give you access, however, to pre-recorded classes. You can watch the classes and follow along in your books. So that’s super cool. And very Mississippi. (I feel bad for the Mississippi residents who stumble upon this page).

One more time, just to clear the air, we’re a California License School and all of our material helps you pass the California test. Let’s say you live in Sacramento or Oakland (and you’re an A’s fan) or Los Angeles or Anaheim or San Diego or San Jose. And the list goes on and on. It’s as if California is an actual state with lots of cities in it.



photo of skyscrapers surrounded with clouds. The Best Construction License Study Materials This Side Of The Mississippi.
Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric on Pexels.com (obligatory construction photo)

Now that I’ve laid out the options and you’ve looked upon them as if they are sushi on a plate, it’s time to explain to you why our study material is better than everyone else’s.

It just is. *boom. mic drop.

Further explanation for those unconvinced: many of our competitor’s buy their license study material from a third-party wholesaler. This is normal and good.

But our LAW BOOK is custom to us. We wrote it ourselves. And, in the words of Nacho Libre, “It’s the best.” How much more convincing do you need?

Our goal with our book was to engage the ear-gate and the eye-gate, by forcing you to interact with the book. This is the best way, according to many studies, to learn. Our founder, our CEO, our Willy Wonka, our Man of the Hour, Allen Diaz, is the Author of the Book (the LAW BOOK, not the BIBLE, in case you just got confused). He was, in a past life, a principal of an elementary school. As such, he learned how to engage learners and teach them and to get that teaching to stick in their minds.

Our law book is developed very carefully to help you to remember what we’re learning by forcing you to fill in key answers as we walk you through the material.

We also strip down the book to only what you need to know to pass the test. We don’t want to give you a three hundred page book because who has time for that (other than people who have time for that)?

Point is, we have some good stuff.

And we’ll see you in the next episode of: This Side Of The Mississippi.

Construction Guru Extraordinaire

Construction Guru Extraordinaire


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