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Contractor License School

Fallbrook, California

GET YOUR CONTRACTORS LICENSE. And get to work building your dreams.

How To Get Your Contractors License In Fallbrook, CA.

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““I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” — Thomas Jefferson

How To Get Your Contractors License In Fallbrook California

Fallbrook is a crystal cool city.

Our Contractor School (our main one) is based in Temecula. So we know Fallbrook.

I (the writer of this article) was once offered a job by an avocado farmer in Fallbrook. Avocados are awesome.

Anyway, Fallbrook is also the home of the famed Elaine Culotti — who is basically a billionaire businesswoman who has done a lot for the construction industry. She’s awesome.

Elaine Colotti Fallbrook Cntractor License

She was the star of the second season of UNDERCOVER BILLIONAIRE, which is a show we highly recommend you watch. Basically, they take her and drop her off in Fresno with only $100 and a truck. She can’t use her real name. She can’t use any lines of credit. And she has to try and build a MILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS in 90 days. From scratch.


Can she do it?
Does she accomplish it?

Is she insane?

Is she insanely awesome?

You’ll have to watch the show to find out.

Point is, Fallbrook is an awesome place.

It’s so beautiful and green and out of the way.

A lot of people are saying it’s going to be the next great thing (or place).

Because think about it: it’s right off interstate 15, it claims to be the avocado capital of the world, it’s known as “THE FRIENDLY VILLAGE.” And it has a church that was built in the 1890s that is still doing its thing to this day. And there are about 30,000 people in Fallbrook.

Frank Capra (the movie director) used to live there, Tony Hawk used to live there, and Tom Selleck used to live there.

If it’s good enough for Tom Selleck it’s good enough for me — is something I always say.



This is a frequently asked question that people frequently ask us.

Here’s the answer:

In a nutshell (which is my favorite place to put things)

you must have four years of experience (in the past ten) to get your contractors license.

That’s pretty much it.

You have to have one person sign off on your application to verify you have the four years experience.

If you have four years, that means you’re a JOURNEY-LEVEL CONTRACTOR.

Awesome, right?

The state only requires three years of experience if you have an Associates Degree. And only two years if you have a Bachelor’s Degree.

If you have a medical degree, you should go into the medical field.

At least, that’s what I always say.

But, hey, maybe you like construction more (even though you went to school for 12 years of your life).

No big deal.


We have a great article (that yours truly wrote) about how to study to get your contractors license.

Here’s the basics:

You can enroll in our school in Temecula.

contractor diamond online course. The best way to get your license.

Or you can enroll in our ONLINE COURSE.

Either way, you’ll get all the study material that you’ll need to be able to pass the state exams.

We guarantee it.

We’ve been around for over a decade and we’ve graduated thousands of students. So we know a thing or two. Maybe even two or three things. Or four or five. Or ten or two thousand.

Crazy, right?

The crazy thing is working for someone else who has a license and getting paid by the hour when, instead, you could just get your contractors license and work for yourself, make your own hours, and make way more money.

To get your license, you have to think like an entrepreneur, which is what you are.

Now’s the time to take the leap—take the chance. If you don’t, you’ll never know what could have been.

A lot of construction is needed in Fallbrook, Temecula, San Diego County, Coronado, Murrieta. All throughout Riverside County. Inland Empire. Pretty much EVERYWHERE.

And there is currently a labor shortage.

The world needs you.

What are you waiting for?

Not me.

I’m right here.

I’m waiting for you.

We’re ready to help you reach your dreams.

We’ve done it before and we’ll do it again. And then we’ll get ice cream after.

So if you live in the beautiful and vertiginous Fallbrook area, it’s time.


Moreover, we want to help you with your entire career going forward. Building your website, establishing your corporation, working as your advertising team.

We don’t want to help you get your license and then hang you out to dry.

We want to be your ‘Jerry Maguire.’

If that doesn’t make sense, pause this article and watch ‘Jerry Maguire.’

Okay, cool, you’re back.

How did you like the movie?

Pretty cool, right?

We went to help you with all aspects of establishing and running a business.

So that’s cool.

And so are you.


A lot people ask us: when are you going to introduce free Cinnabon into the program, as in Cinnamon rolls. The answer is simple. But first, here are a few pages we want to highlight, in case you’re interested in learning more:

How To Become A General Contractor
How To Get Your Contractors License Online
How To Get Your Contractors License From Home
How To Study To Get Your Contractors License
Contractors License Requirements
Types of Contractors Licenses (All Classifications)

To answer the Cinnamon Roll question, we’re on a strict bring your own (as well as one for your teacher) policy at the moment. Check back for future updates.

All The Benefits

  • 4 Law & Business Live Streaming Classes
  • Once A Week For 4 Weeks
  • Two Months Access
  • Trade DVDs and CDs.


  • – Law & Business Practice Tests
  • – Trade Practice Tests
  • – Access To Law-Class Recordings (Video and Audio)
  • – Trade DVD Teaching
  • – Trade CD Teaching
  • So Basically Everything You Need To Study Law and Trade


  • Application Assistance (That Application Can Be Difficult)
  • A Handy-Dandy Pass-Test Guarantee
santa cruz mountains

Open. Now Enrolling.

Order our home study package and study till your heart is content and drink milk and cookies and then fall asleep and then dream of great business ideas. And then wake up. And then pass your state tests.

Call us if you have any questions.

(800) 659-1207



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