
Contractor License School

How To Study To Get
Your Contractors License

How To Study (Best Way) To Get Your Contractors License.

while devouring nachos.

How, how, and how, how. How?

We get it. You haven’t been in school in quite some time. Maybe you hated school. Maybe you hate studying. Maybe you love it. Maybe you like Chess. Maybe you don’t like Chess. Maybe you like Monopoly. Maybe you like construction.



Also, by the way, it’s good to meet you.

I’m the content writer here at Contractor License School. And you’re the content reader. So anyway…

What’s The Best Way To Study To Get Your License?

You have so many options. It all depends on you. And it depends on how much caffeine you currently own. If you don’t own enough, you might want to get some more.

How much is enough?
Enough is never enough — and you can quote me on that.

The first step to studying is getting coffee.
Now that you have a nice warm cup in your hands…
Go ahead and get one if you haven’t yet, I’ll wait.


The Way It Works

Imma hit you with the basics: in order to get your contractors license in the wonderful and sunny state of California (it sometimes smells like oranges) you have to pass two tests.

One test covers the laws pertaining to the construction industry writ-large.
The second test covers the trade in which you are trying to receive your license in.

So there’s a Law Test and a Trade Test.

Home Study Option

You can study for these tests from home. How is that possible? To which I reply, how is anything possible? How is it possible that we are spinning in circles on this globe filled with water? How is it possible that you can hear music in the air? How is possible that you’re reading these words that I wrote from your computer or phone or tablet and we don’t even know each other? It’s mind-blowing.

But anyway, you can study for your tests by purchasing one of our home study packages.

We offer.
A few.

So you can check those out.

Basically we give you a combination of study material that, taken together, will provide you with everything you will need to pass both of your tests.

We give you videos of our law class which you will be able to watch online. We give you a baseball signed by Babe Ruth (that one is a lie. just checking to make sure you’re still awake). We give you a book and DVDs for your trade.

Practice, practice, practice tests, baby.

We give you practice tests in your law and trade books as well as online.
So you’ll want to take those.

We don’t send you coffee, but I wish we did. Because you’re going to need some. Maybe roll through your local Starbucks before you hit the books.

Studying from home is fun for several reasons.

One, you don’t have to leave your house.
Two, you don’t have to leave your house.
Three, you don’t have to leave your house.

If you don’t want to leave your house, this option is great for you.

And you know what’s great about your home:

There’s no place like home.
There’s no place like home.
There’s no place like home.

You get the point.
You get the point.
You get the point.

Is there an echo?…
Is there an echo?…

Okay, enough of that. Of that…


Hey, remember that scene in ‘Fight Club’ where Brad Pitt threatens that person at gunpoint to get his life together. Great scene, right? If you haven’t seen that movie, this is your sign.

Truth is, sometimes we need a kick in the pants to get our lives going.

For me it was when my mom threw myself and my XBOX onto the streets and I had to make friends with my local, friendly raccoons who lived in the gutters. It was also the time I found out you’re not actually allowed to sleep on the display beds in furniture stores. There was also the time I stole that flag from SEVEN FLAGS. And that’s why they call is SIX FLAGS nowadays.

Long story.


Well, I wrote a whole article about it.

The basics are this: you get the books and practice tests and all that good stuff. Including the baseball signed by Babe Ruth (again, that’s a joke. but imagine if it wasn’t).

The difference from the home study package is this: with the online course you’ll get to access our classroom livestreams. LIVE! OVER ZOOM!

If you don’t know what Zoom is, then… I can’t help you. I’m sorry. You might want to try the Home Study Package.


Now let’s say you want to attend a classroom and have a real-life instructor.

The advantage of this route is that after class you can hit up Wendy’s or some kind of Fast Food establishment and get yourself some cheap food (although prices are skyrocketing).

We have classes available all throughout Southern California. From the great plains of Orange to the low sea-levels of Chula Vista.

So, if you live in SoCal, that’s an option for you.

If you live elsewhere (in a house or a cabin or a basement or really anywhere), you should probably check out the first two options.

I don’t know about you, but I’m stoked.

I was stoked when we first met, but I’m even more stoked now that we’ve had this great one-sided conversation.
I can’t wait for our next one.

If you have questions, you can give us a call.

Or you can call us.

Which I’m pretty sure is the same thing.

Be sure to listen to oldies music.

The new stuff is lame.

Peace out.

Classroom Instruction

Come To Our Classes.

Classroom instruction and everything you need — videos, manuals, practice tests — to get your contractors license. Enroll in our classes. And we’ll help you get your license. From start to finish. It’s what we do.

Call us.



  • 4 Law & Business Live Streaming Classes
  • Once A Week For 4 Weeks
  • Two Months Access
  • Trade DVDs and CDs.


  • – Law & Business Practice Tests
  • – Trade Practice Tests
  • – Access To Law-Class Recordings (Video and Audio)
  • – Trade DVD Teaching
  • – Trade CD Teaching
  • So Basically Everything You Need To Study Law and Trade


  • Application Assistance (That Application Can Be Difficult)
  • A Handy-Dandy Pass-Test Guarantee
get your contractors license from home
The information is all there you just have to read it. Good classes.
Mike Steifel


Note from the CONTRACTOR LICENSE SCHOOL: Sure, Mike’s review was pretty basic (there weren’t any exploding helicopters or fireworks), but still. You get the point. Right? Okay, fine. We’ll include a more ‘in-depth’ review at the bottom of the page.

financing options available if you qualify.

okay fine, if you’re not convinced yet, continue reading about what you get with the homeschool package:

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Temecula, CA 92590

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