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Contractor License School

Fresno, California

GET YOUR CONTRACTORS LICENSE.  Be your own boss, yes?

How To Get Your Contractors License In Fresno, CA?

contractor school fresno

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus. “ — Alexander Graham Bell

How To Get Your Contractors License (Fresno Edition)

Fresno is a great place to live if you’re a contractor. If you’re a contractor trying to get your license and make great money and own your own business, you are in the right place.

We’re glad you’re here.

Did you know Fresno is the fifth most populated city in California? And did you know California is the fifth greatest economy in the world? And do you know what that means?

That means there’s plenty of work in Fresno if you’re a contractor trying to scale your business.

But you need your contractors license: because it’s the law.

The Only Thing You Need To Get Your Contractors License.

Is four years of experience. And a valid SSN or ITIN.

If you have those things, you’re ready to get licensed.

Are you ready?

And now you’re thinking: it can’t be that simple, can it? And you’re also thinking: maybe I should adopt another dog? And you’re also thinking, I already have twelve dogs, do I really need another one?

Yes. Yes, you do.

Oh, by the way, nice to meet you. I’m the content writer here at Contractor License School. We’re a contractor school and we’ve graduated thousands of students and helped so many people get their contractors license that it blows my mind. It blows my mind to the point that it takes me, like, three hours to unwind at the end of work everyday. I have to watch Star Wars on repeat and eat two bags of popcorn and drink one can of soda.

Believe it or not, I have six-pack abs.

But enough about me.

Let me tell you about you.

You’re a businessperson. Or you want to be. You’re a dreamer. You want more out of life than the 9-to-5. You want to adopt an ostrich and maybe even a tiger. You want to get your license and scale a business and hire employees and accomplish something in life.

Remember, when you accomplish great things, that benefits everyone around you.

You already know that.

I see you.

You want to do these things for your friends and family. To inspire them. To provide for them. To show them that anything is possible.

And it is.

We’ve helped so many contractors reach their dreams and go on to make great money.

And Fresno is a great place to do that.

I just recently watched Undercover Billionaire Season Two (and it was awesome). It’s an inspiring show. The concept is this: they take a billionaire and drop them off in a city with no money—they don’t allow the person to use any of their contacts or credit lines or anything like that—and give the person 90 days to start a million dollar business.

In season two, they dropped off Elaine Culloti — whose background is in construction — in the great city of Fresno. With nothing. Except for an old beat-up truck. She had to find a place to stay. She had to get a job.

And she worked hard.

And in ninety days she built a business worth over a million dollars.

Crazy, right?

Truth is, anything is possible.

Enroll In Our Classes

We offer online classes as well as home study packages that will give you everything you need to study and get your license. We walk you through all the steps of getting your license, from beginning to end.

We’ll even help you fill out the application you’ll need to send to CSLB in order to get your license.

How It Works In A Nutshell

After the state of California accepts your application, you have to pass state-administered tests: one covers the law and one covers the trade. Once you pass, you have to finalize a few things (again, we’ll walk you through all the steps in our classes and study material), and then you’ll receive your license.

The process normally takes 3-6 months from beginning to end.

Call Us (24/7).

Technically, we only answer the phone 9-5. But still, if you want to call us after five and leave a message, that’s cool too.

We love answering the phones and getting to know people.

So if you’re confused by all of this, give us a call.

If you’re not confused, what are you waiting for?

The time for greatness is now.

Fresno is located smack-dab (I think) in the middle of the San Joaquin Valley (not to be confused with the dude that played the Joker as well as Johnny Cash) and it’s known for agriculture and also its great supply of ash trees.

Fresno originally started as a railway station.

Some great things have small beginnings. Except for Paul Bunyan.

Paul Bunyan was big.

And don’t forget the surrounding area of Fresno: Madera, Sanger, Selma, Clovis, Riverdale and Five Points, and even Merced. That’s a long list of cities. Well, maybe a short list.

Point is this, you know it’s time to get your license, yes?

I know it’s time to get your license.

Don’t let anything hold you back (especially fear of taking a risk) from your destiny.

cool video, right? would be better with peanuts.


A lot people ask us: when are you going to introduce free Cinnabon into the program, as in Cinnamon rolls. The answer is simple. But first, here are a few pages we want to highlight, in case you’re interested in learning more:

How To Become A General Contractor
How To Get Your Contractors License Online
How To Get Your Contractors License From Home
How To Study To Get Your Contractors License
Contractors License Requirements
Types of Contractors Licenses (All Classifications)

To answer the Cinnamon Roll question, we’re on a strict bring your own (as well as one for your teacher) policy at the moment. Check back for future updates.

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    • So Basically Everything You Need To Study Law and Trade


    • Application Assistance (That Application Can Be Difficult)
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    Open. Now Enrolling.

    Order our home study package and then watch a Mel Gibson movie and then dream big. Think big. Do great things.

    Call us if you have any questions.

    (800) 659-1207




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