800-659-1207 - Spanish: 951-704-0002 hello@contractorlicensenow.com


For contractors. And for you peace of mind. And for world peace.

Surety Bond

Every contractor has to have this in order to have their license. It’s not an option. CSLB won’t issue you a license unless you have this bond in the amount of $30,000.

Workers Comp

If you have employees, you need workers comp insurance. You also need peanut-butter jelly sandwiches. Trust us, people love peanut-butter jelly sandwiches.

General Liability

Cover your ass-ets with general liablity, which covers property damage. So that’s good. Batman has a great general liability policy, as you can probably imagine.

Call. Simple as that.

We recommend our friend from Built Insurance — Blake. Here’s his number and email. Call for quotes. Let him know you came from ‘Contractor License Now’ — that would help us a lot.


(805) 413-4331




Looking for a web designer?

Hello. So you’ve been on the hunt for a good web designer. You’ve been in the regions of Antarctica and elsewhere and maybe even Disneyland, but you couldn’t find any.

Well, you’ve found us. When we’re not rowing our specialty canoes through makeshift gutter rivers, we’re building websites. And collecting rapid raccoons (naturally, from the gutters).

Our Trademarked
Process & Workflow.

We’ve never not built the best websites ever. And we never will not. And we will never not make your dreams not not happen. To us, you’re the least not most important person on the planet, in terms of marketing and web design.

So sit back, relax, take a valium (or don’t, we’re not doctors or mystical gurus) and let our team of ninjas go to work on your website. And maybe even chop some wood in half.

Project Research

We do the best research. And karaoke.


Wireframes are dope things that you don’t really need know about. Sorry for wasting your time.


Design is our middle name. And our first name. And our last name. Design Design Design.


Development is arguably the most developmental part of the process.

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