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Why Surfing and Getting Your Contractors License Can Change Your Life

by | License Stuff

This is an unrelated video. Yes it’s about getting your contractor license. But it’s really here to prove we know what we’re doing.

Let’s say you live near the beach, be it Newport or Huntington or Oceanside or Thousand Steps or Coronado or Mission Bay or Laguna or Malibu or Santa Monica or Venice.

Let’s say that.

And let’s say that surfing can change your life, even if you don’t live in any of those places.

And let’s say that you’re a Contractor: as in, you do Contractor stuff: stuff that Contractors do. You wear a tool belt, maybe. You curse too much. You’ve shot yourself with a nailgun. You smell like glue. You primarily use porter potties.


So here are 5 ways that surfing and getting your contractors license can change your life.

1 – Firstly, and most importantly, the health benefits:

Nowadays, everyone has a gimmick, especially in the health industry.

They say, eat meat or don’t eat meat.

They say you should fast.

They say you should sleep.

They say you should run (fast).

Not sure if they mean ^^^ run ‘fast’ or run while ‘fasting’ from food.

We say — you should get your contractors license.

The health benefits are ginormous.

Outsized by everything else, even abnormally large mopeds or prostate exams (prostate exams that are too large).


Here’s why:

When you have your contractors license, you can stop eating at Carl’s Juniors and you can start eating at Applebees.

Sure, for old time’s sake, you’ll stop by Carl’s and maybe even Jack’s, from time to time. But for the most part, you’ll be fine dining and much greater and much more ‘contractor-license friendly’ establishments.

Maybe even your grandma’s house.

Because she’ll finally be proud of you.

Surfing is also great for health.

As long as you avoid all sharks at all times.

That’s the easy part.

The hard part is catching the sharks and cooking them for extra meat during the winter solstice.

Trust me, I’ve tried.

scene of birth of christ
I assume you can make an even better Nativity of this since you’re a skilled contractor.

Reason 2 – Surfing is a great way to relieve stress; even better than secretly building exact replicas of the Nativity of Christ.

Although the Nativity thing would be much cooler and could probably benefit your community if you wouldn’t be so secret about it.

This reason is oddly specific.

And actually, we think you should build exact replicas of the Nativity.

We also think you should surf.

Oh, and get your contractors license: which would help to free up your time schedule so that you can surf and build nativity sets for the community.

Make sense?

We’re a Contractor License School based in Southern California and it’s our job to help you, from start to finish, get your Contractors license and do great things with your life.

Keep that in mind.

And be sure to check out our Course Options: Our Online Courses, Our Home Study Packages, and our In-Person Concrete Locales.

man surfing on waves
Actual footage of you shredding the nar.

Reason 3 – Card sharks, shark sharks, and the bay.

You can’t stay in the bay forever.

You must swim into the deep waters.

You can’t only make best friends with card sharks.

Sometimes, you have to make friends with regular sharks too.

Reason 4 – License Theory.

It’s like String Cheese Theory or Gravity Theory:

License theory states: get your license and you’ll surf better.

Get your surf better and you’ll get your license.

Reason 5 – The Ultimate Reason.

Arnold would do it.

Arnold who?

Arnold, the Terminator, of course.

But also Arnold down the street.

That dude who’s strapped, surfs all the time, and makes so much more money than everyone else.

Yeah, that Arnold.

Be that guy.

Get Your Contractors License Today.

So you can surf big waves tomorrow.

Additional Resources:

Construction Guru Extraordinaire

Construction Guru Extraordinaire







Hey, it’s me. Jack Anthony. I wrote these posts. If it helped you go ahead and leave a comment down below and checkout our courses. Other than that good luck getting your contractors license. And may the odds be ever in your favor.

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