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How To Get Your C-7 Low Voltage Contractors License

How To Get Your C-7 California Contractors License (2023 Edition)

by | License Stuff

Getting your C-7 California Contractors License can be the second-greatest decision of your life (at least according to your wife).

But just like getting married it takes at least 3 months of thought to get your C-7 California Contractors License.

Here are all the steps to get your contractors license.

Step 1. Required Requirements

There are a few things that you must qualify for before getting your license.

  1. Must be over 18 years old.
  2. Have 4 years of working experience.
  3. Have a valid SSN or ITIN.

Other than that, you’re good. There’s nothing stopping you.

Except for one more thing.


Deciding to get your contractors license is deciding to step into a better quality of life. One built around freedom and success. You decide when you work. You run your business. You take contracts. Therefore you must make the decision to go after it.

California is desperate for good contractors. This is your time to shine. And we want to help you do that.

Sieze the day.

How To Get Your C-7 California Contractors License (2023 Edition). Requirements to get your contractors license.

Step 2. Study. Study. Study.

Like all good things in life, you must work hard.
There are two tests you must pass in order to get your license.

The first one covers law. It was written by expert lawyers and covers contract law, liens, bonds, taxes, etc.

The second is exclusive to the trade you’re trying to get. Since you’re trying to become a C-7 California Contractors License, you’ll be tested on that.

Don’t fear.

We’re on your side.
Understanding everything you need to get your California License can be a challenge but we’re here to make it easy.

We offer all the materials you need to pass and be a successful contractor.

Step 3. Application/Testing.

You did it. You went through the course. You did the hard work, but it’s not over yet. You still need to pass the state exam.

This functions just like going to the DMV. Everything is electronic and you have 3.5 hours to complete each test.

In order to get this done though you must first send an application. That is how the state will be able to verify your 4 years of experience and ultimately credit your license to your business. The application is provided upon enrollment as well as assistance in filling it out.

Once you send it off the CSLB takes 4-8 weeks to get in touch with you. Providing the choice of what location/date to test.

You will test. Pass. And before you know it you’ll have a certified C-7 California Contractors License.

Simple right?


The whole process should take 3-4 months to complete.

If you choose to start a business. Be thinking of the details as you get started.

Things like corporation, website, branding, etc.

For more information on C-7 California Contractors License (CSLB).

Additional Resources:

Construction Guru Extraordinaire

Construction Guru Extraordinaire


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