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Why Low Voltage Contractors Make All The Money and Why You Should Get Your Low Voltage Contractors License

by | License Stuff

A video from our CEO Allen Diaz.


Low Voltage Contractors are making all the money right now.

This much is true.

And no one even knows this is happening.

Except for the Low Voltage Contractors.

And me.

I know because I own this business (part owner, son of the owner. nepotism, and all that) — Contractor License Now.

Also known as: We help you get your C7 Low Voltage License

— Learn more about the C7 Low Voltage License here —

Also known as: Once you get your license you’ll be making so much money.


Low Voltage Is Needed Right Now.

The low-voltage space is actually less crowded because most people are getting their electrical licenses.

And a lot of people get their general b license. (like a lot)

Which is fine, except that you can’t do low voltage with a general b license.

You need a low voltage license to do low voltage.

The Construction Industry Is Huge.

No one needs to tell you this.

How To Get Your C-7 Low Voltage Contractors License

California is the fourth largest economy in the entire world and there is a desperate need for builders, wire-people (people who wire things), people who wire the types of things that are considered low voltage.

What is low voltage?

We all know, even if we don’t want to say it.

That’s okay.

I’ll say it.

This is a direct quote taken from the CSLB website.

A communication and low voltage contractor installs, services and maintains all types of communication and low voltage systems which are energy limited and do not exceed 91 volts. These systems include, but are not limited to telephone systems, sound systems, cable television systems, closed-circuit video systems, satellite dish antennas, instrumentation and temperature controls, and low voltage landscape lighting. Low voltage fire alarm systems are specifically not included in this section.

Learn more about the C-7 License on the CSLB website.



And yes, yes, before you ask.

You can verify your four years of experience by getting one person to sign off on your application to the state stating that you have the necessary four years journey-level experience.

If you can get that, you’re ready to go.

The state paperwork can be scary.

Mostly because all paperwork is scary.

But we can help you.

Our Job Is To Help You Get Your License

You can easily visit our page on — How To Get Your Low Voltage License In California — to learn more about how this all works, as well as our prices.

Here are the basics in case you’re trying to hang around this page for longer than you need to.

Like, seriously, you’re lingering.

You can easily go to our C7 Information Page and get started.


1. Enroll in our course.

Study like hell.

We’ll give you everything you need so that you can pass your law and trade exams.

Which leads us to.

2. Pass your law and trade exams.

3. Get your license.

(Sure, you have to do a few little things like get some insurance blah, blah, blah).

But all of that comes after you pass your tests.

Eye of the Tiger: Study. Pass the tests.

Simple as that.

If you have some more questions, you can always check out our FAQ page.

Thanks for reading.

See you next time.

And hopefully, you’ll be connecting wires to other wires and dealing with electrical things that only you can deal with.


Additional Resources:

Construction Guru Extraordinaire

Construction Guru Extraordinaire







Hey, it’s me. Jack Anthony. I wrote these posts. If it helped you go ahead and leave a comment down below and checkout our courses. Other than that good luck getting your contractors license. And may the odds be ever in your favor.

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