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How To Get Your Electrical Contractors License In California

by | License Stuff

Our CEO Allen Diaz giving an explanation on how to get your contractor license.

It’s so easy.

I can count on one finger how easy it is: and that’s the finger I use to press the remote that controls my automated vacuum cleaner that roams the house like an untamed animal.

That makes no sense ^^^

But you know what does make sense.

Getting Your Electrical License In California.

Otherwise known as the C10.

It’s one of the big berthas of the contractor licenses.

Alongside General B, Plumbing, Low Voltage, HVAC, Roofing, and General B-2.


Here’s how it works in three simple steps.

1. Go to the DMV and get in line and remember how terrible the DMV is.

This is an important first step because it will show you what hell looks like — literally.  The DMV is hell, where God will send all the sinners.

You don’t want to go there.

And I don’t want to go there.

STEP TWO – Contractor License Time

Now that you’ve gone to the DMV, you know you never want to go there again.

That means you must get your contractors license to save yourself.

And your family.

If you don’t, you’ll all end up living in line at the DMV, forever and ever.

III. Enroll in one of our courses.

Study like a bat out of hell.

We make it easy.

We’ll break down the complicated concepts using ramen analogies and we’ll even balance plates on sticks.

I made up some of that ^^^

For reals, our courses have incredible reviews.

And not just because we gave out free Poke during one of our classes (this part is true).

The Truth Is It Doesn’t Have To Be Complicated To Get Your Electrical License

You can simply visit our page — Get My Electrical License In California — and we’ll layout all of your pricing options and plans.

Our courses have helped thousands of students do thousands of handstands.

And some of them even got their contractors licenses.

This is why we exist.

That’s God.

Look, You Can Slave Away For Your Boss Forever Or You Can Get Your Contractors License And Chill

Owning a business isn’t always chill.

But at least you’re in charge of your own time.

At least you live and die by your own sword.

At least your sword is shiny and pristine and it’s actually more of a katana.

If You Have Four Years Of Experience Doing Electrical Work You Can Get Your Electrical License

That’s how simple it is.

You must have one person sign your application to verify you have four years experience. That person must be someone who knows that you do, in fact, have four years of experience.

If you have all that, give us a call

If you live in Southern California, you can enroll in one of our in-person courses or you can take our Diamond Online Course.

We have locations all over: Chula Vista, Temecula, Riverside, Corona, Orange.

We’re looking forward to meeting with you.

If you live in Northern California and you’re doing damned-cool electrical work, rewiring houses and basements and garages and such, then you can enroll in our online course.

We’d love to see you there.

Don’t let anything (not even me) stop you from going after your dreams.

This year is your year.

Don’t let this year slip by.

You still have plenty of time to change your entire life.

Sign Up For Our Electrical License Course Today

You’ll learn everything you need to know to pass your state tests.

Additional Resources:

Construction Guru Extraordinaire

Construction Guru Extraordinaire







Hey, it’s me. Jack Anthony. I wrote these posts. If it helped you go ahead and leave a comment down below and checkout our courses. Other than that good luck getting your contractors license. And may the odds be ever in your favor.

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