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D-9 – Drilling, Blasting and Oil Field Work

Contractors License

  Get Your D-9 Drilling, Blasting and Oil Field Work License

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  Be Your Own Boss
. .


How to get your D-10 Contractor License

Get your license.

Make Money. 
Be Your Own Boss. 



How To Get Your D-9 Contractors License

There’s big money in the oil business. 

That’s what my grandpa told me.

Turns out he might be right. 

But how do you get started? A license! 


only three things. you need:

1. Four years of experience doing D-9 work.

2. You must be at least 18 years old.

3. You must have a valid social security or ITIN number.

Once you have your 4 years of experience you’d just about 75% of the way done. In fact it’s quite suprising you didn’t already get your license. Maybe that’s the question you’re asking yourself right now. 

I should have done this ages ago.

Well it doesn’t do you any good to dwell on the past. Instead look toward the future. 

Let’s begin with passing the state exam. 


You’ve come to the decision to get your license. 

Great. That is a good decision. But you quickly realize you must pass an extensive law and business test. 

First, be grateful you don’t need to take two tests (as if you were getting your C class license). 

Second, break it down. 

The law test covers many things including liens, bonds (yes you do need a contractor bond, we’ll talk about that more), contract law, taxes etc. 

The good thing is those things can be taught. And that is exactly what we do for you. 


Studying for the contractor license exam is much like studying for any other school exam. Except this time with purpose. 

This time it’s actually applicable to your life. Unlike math class. 

We want to see you succeed. We want to see you strike gold with blasting and oil field work. 

But we also know that it takes a bit of work to get there. Like all good things. 

We want to help you along that road. Provide all the necessary resources to make sure your business starts and stays on the right foot. 

How do we do it?

Good question. We provide multiple courses.

1. Homestudy – Where you teach yourself using different books, videos and online materials. 
2. Online – Tune into our live classes and participate online. 
3. In Class – Join one of our schools for in person lessons and attention. 

 Of course not everyone learns the same which is why we provide multiple methods. 

The benefit of getting a D license is you only need to pass one test. Just the law. If you were going to get a C license you would need to take an additional trade test.

So you can brush that off your shoulders. 

Really there isn’t much stopping you from getting your license. 

If you have the experience then you are nearly there. 

All it takes is a little bit of practice. A little push. 

If you have questions give us a call. 


How do you verify your experience?

Great question. 

You will send in an application stating your information, business entity, favorite color (jk) and most importantly a description of the work you did with a wet signature.

This can be signed by a variety of peolpe.

Your boss, another D-9 Contractor, journeyman, etc. So that’s that. We provde plenty of resources for you to help cross the t and dot the i’s to ensure you are good.

This application is necessary to schedule your test. It tells the CSLB (Contractor State License Board) the license you’re going after so they can make a profile for you.

 Once you do the state will take 4-8 weeks to process your application and get back with you to schedule your test date. 

How long does it take?

How long it takes to get your license is up to you. 

If you stay diligent it can take you 2-3 months from beginning to end. 

That being said you send the application when you are ready and schedule your test to ensure you are most prepared. 

Most people can get it done in that timeline but that doesn’t mean everyone. Life happens. If it takes longer, stick with it. The worst thing you can do is give up. 

Here’s the thing

You need your license. 

Like it’s illegal to not have it unless you’re doing jobs for less than $500 (including labor & materials). 

The only way to get around this is to actually get your license. 

 It may seem scary but you have everything you need. You also have us. Like a good zipline we won’t let you down. 

So why not give it a shot?? The future is waiting. 

D-9 – Drilling, Blasting and Oil Field Work Contractor

California Code of Regulations
Title 16, Division 8, Article 3. Classifications

A drilling contractor does core and post hole drilling, horizontal drilling (no piping) and drilling for placement of charges and performing blasting work; performs drilling for site dewatering, oil well drilling and other oil field related specialty work. (DOES NOT INCLUDE WATER WELL DRILLING)



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