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D-62 Air and Water Balancing

Contractors License

  Get Your D-62 Air and Water Balancing License

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. .


How To Get Your D-62 Contractor License

To Get Your License OR To Not?

That is the question isn’t it. 

You’re looking to get your license.

Maybe just thinking about it.

Here’s a lot of information about how you can do just that.

Give us a call.


How To Get Your D-62 Contractors License

God’s gift to the world was contractors. 

And that’s the truth.

You also need a license to be a contractor and that’s also the truth. 


Shout bingo if you can relate this this. (trust me i’ll hear you)

You started working in your trade and for many years you thought getting your license wasn’t for you or was just too hard. 

But eventually you decide you’re done working for someone else and want to take your own jobs and live free.

So what do you do? You get your license. 

There’s only three requirements:

1. Must have 4 years of experience doing D-62 work

2. Must be over 18

3. Must have a valid SSN or ITIN

For more information regarding the requirements go to the CSLB website. 


Phew. We made it through the requirements. 

I know that was a lot to read. 

But there’s still more. 

Once you meet the requirements there’s nothing stopping you from getting your contractor license. In fact it’s encouraged. 

But in order to get your D-62 Contractor License you need to pass the Law and Business Exam. 

To be frank. (that’s not my real name)

This is a hard test. Many contractors have tried and failed. 

But I don’t say this to scare you. Only to warn you. The reason these contractors didn’t pass is because they never prepared.

The test is written by lawyers with the goal of maintaining a high understanding of law within contractors. 

The only thing is your experience is in your trade not studying law. 

Until now.. 

Introducing the…


Here at the contractor school we prepare you to take this exam. 

So much we even quarantee you can pass this exam. 

And if you don’t… Well I don’t know what we’ll do because that’s never happened…. But I suspect we’ll pay for your retake. 

Here’s how we do it:

1. Homestudy – Where you teach yourself using different books, videos and online materials. 
2. Online – Tune into our live classes and participate online. 
3. In Class – Join one of our schools for in person lessons and attention. 

We give you the tools necessary to pass this test. From online practice tests to inperson classes and video classes you will be more than prepared. 

Our CEO Allen Diaz even condensed a 1000+ page law book into the essenstials you need to know in a learnable fashion. Because who wants to read 1000 pages. We don’t. But we did for you. 

Give us a call if you have questions. 


How do you verify your experience?

If you’re as excited as I am you’re probably curious how you verify your experience. 

Well it’s as simple as 1, 2, 3… 4, 5: 

1. Receive Application upon enrollment

2. Complete application with basic information 

3. Sign work experience 

4. Submit and schedule test 


Simple as that. Once you sumbit you’ll be able to pass your test. 

Below is a sample of the work experience certification statement mentioned. 

This is what you need to get signed in order to verify your 4 years of experience. 

We recommend getting it signed from another D-62 Contractor but you have many options. 

The application isn’t a difficult document and we provide assistance to explain in more detail. 

How to verify your work experience in order to get your California Contractor License

How long does it take?

We recommend you send your application (signed by a contractor) to the CSLB (through the mail) after you complete the course (about 1 month in). 

This keeps you on a normal timeline to get your license as fast as possible. Your enrollment lasts for 6 months so you have plenty of time just in case life happens. 

After you submit the CSLB will take 4-8 weeks to process your application. During that time you can keep studying, setting up your business and preparing because once they get in touch with you-you want to be ready to test. 

In total you’re looking at 3 months from beginning to end to get your license. 

What’s the best business entity?

Simple. S Corps. 

They give you the most protection and tax savings without having to pay for extra insurance. 

The Contract Bond

This is only necessary after you pass the test. You got time. Plus it’s easy to obtain once you pass the test anyway.  

Learn more about the fees attatched to getting your license here


The time has come to take the next steps. So what are you waiting for? 

The only way to fail is to never try. 

A Detailed Description Of The D-62 Contractor License


D-62 – Air and Water Balancing Contractor

California Code of Regulations
Title 16, Division 8, Article 3. Classifications

An air and water balancing contractor installs any device and performs any work related to providing a specified flow of air in all types of existing heating and cooling systems and/or related to providing a specified flow of water in water piping systems.



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