D-4 Central Vacuum Systems
Contractors License
✓ Get Your D-4 Central Vacuum License
✓ Livestream or In-Person Classes
✓ Or Purchase The Material And Study On Your Own
✓ Only Takes A Few Weeks
✓ Pass-Test Guarantee
✓ Be Your Own Boss
. .

It's time right?
Are you trying to vacuum your way to wealth?
Just like I did when I was a kid searching for spare change inbetween the couch cussions.
Except you’re not a kid and i’m not a kid and we need more money than just a few crusty quarters.
So what do we do?
We get our contractor licenses.
Take our own jobs. Be our own boss.
?How To Get Your D-4 Contractors License
My car would be a lot dirtier without a central vacuum.
And for that I thank you.
You need your license. I need you to get your license.
California needs you to get your license.
So why not?
only three things. you need:
1. Four years of experience doing D-4 work (by work, we mean work).
2. You must be at least 18 years old.
3. You must have a valid social security or ITIN number.
Getting your 4 years is simple really. All it takes is work. Work and then some other work. But the work is worth it because now you have the knowledge. And well experience. You can get that experience verified by going to your employer, or a contractor with the same license and have them sign off for you.
You can also supplement a portion of these years with a degree. Two with a bachelor. Three with a masters.
So you have your experience. Your all ready to go.
But wait what do you do next?
Simple. But this part is not easy.
You must pass the law & business test.
This is a hard test.
Could you pass right now? Probably not.
Will you in a couple months. YES.
That’s the guarantee.
After some studying you’ll be ready to go.
This studying is where we come in. The Contractor License School here to serve you.
Essentially our job is to make you ready to pass this test. And to make sure you can bake a perfect apple pie. But that’s neither here nor there.
You will get your contractor license so long you try.
You won’t fail. You can’t fail.
The only way to fail is to never try.
There are many ways to study for your license test and ultimately prepare to be a businessman. Well we have three to be exact
1. Homestudy – Where you teach yourself using different books, videos and online materials.
2. Online – Tune into our live classes and participate online.
3. In Class – Join one of our schools for in person lessons and attention.
All these options are fantastic (in my biased opinion). They all opereate the same with a six month enrollment with custom materials. It’s more or less how you want to be taught. Say for the Inclass option, it keeps you accountable to a schedule and class learning environment. While homestudy is more flexible and allows you to learn on your own. Each have their pros and cons but it depends on you and that lovely brain of yours. How do you learn best? What will you stick to most? I can’t answer that for you.
Anyway. Give us a call. We have some great answers for you.
You can view all our courses here
Here’s the thing
You need your license.
Like it’s illegal to not have it unless you’re doing jobs for less than $500 (including labor & materials).
The only way to get around this is to actually get your license.
It may seem scary but you have everything you need. You also have us. Like a good zipline we won’t let you down.
So why not give it a shot?? The future is waiting.
Straight from the mouth of the CSLB comes the description of what it means to be a D-4 contractor. Enjoy it. Savor it.
D-4 – Central Vacuum Systems Contractor
California Code of Regulations
Title 16, Division 8, Article 3. ClassificationsA central vacuum systems contractor installs, modifies, maintains or repairs central vacuum systems, pneumatic tube dispatching systems or any other type of pipeline which operates systems of reduced pressure for any purpose.
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