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D-28 Doors, Gates and Activating Devices 

Contractors License

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How To Get Your D-28 Contractor License

The World Runs On Contractors

You’re trying to get your D-28 License

And I am very grateful for that. 

So I compiled a ton of information for you. 

Give us a call for more. 


How To Get Your D-28 Contractors License

Here’s a fun fact. The D-28 license is my favorite. 

At least when it’s raining outside and I just press a button to open the garage door. 

Then I am especially greateful. 

I hope you can make more people feel that way. 

That is why it is essential for you to get your Contractor License. 


 There are three things you need in order to get your Contractor License. 

1. Must have 4 years of experience doing D-28 work

2. Must be over 18

3. Must have a valid SSN or ITIN

4. Barbecue perfect short ribs 

Easy enough right. 

Well that last one might be just for me. I am feeling quite hungry. 

As long as you have 4 years of experience in the field of work you’re trying to get licensed in then you’re practically there. There are just a few more things you need to take care of first. 

For more clarification you can check out the CSLB’s website on experience requirements for the exam. 


A large part of getting your license is passing the state exam. 

This is a difficult exam but be grateful you only need to take one opposed to getting your C class license. 

The test covers ‘Law and Business’ and necessary for you to receive your license. 

If you were to take it right now. Yes. You’d probably fail. But that is why we exist. The Contractor License School!


Our job is to equip you with the tools to succeed.  

How do we do it?

Good question. We provide multiple courses.

1. Homestudy – Where you teach yourself using different books, videos and online materials. 
2. Online – Tune into our live classes and participate online. 
3. In Class – Join one of our schools for in person lessons and attention. 

Each one will teach you everything you need for your license.  

Along the way you will also learn how to be a successful contractor and win in business. 

 However not everyone learns the same so you must find which course is best for you. 

Give us a call if you have any questions. 


How do you verify your experience?

There is a fun little paper called the original contractor application. You send it to the state through the. mail? I didn’t even realize people used the mail anymore. 

Looks like contractors do. And that means you will too. Because you’re a contractor and will now be a licensed contractor. 

The application tells the state you’re looking to get your contractor license. It also tells them some basic information such as your years of experience, favorite color (jk) and business information. 

That’s i! Simple. 

The application is nothing to worry about. Especially because we help you fill it out just to make sure you’re ready. 


How long does it take?

The whole process takes as long as you want it to. How? 

Because it’s up to you. We recommend you send your application to the state after completing the course (one month in). 

This is best because then you have the information to pass the test and are working on a timeline. 

If you don’t do this it is all too easy to get caught up in life. 

Plus the time it takes from sending off your application to actually scheduling the test is about 4-8 weeks. So you have plenty of time to keep studying. 

The entire process takes three months if you’re diligent. 

But it can’t start until you take action. 

What’s the best business entity?

You want a business entity that will give you the most benefit. That is why S Corps are the best. 

Essentially giving you the most bang for your buck. 

Whille LLC are good and popular. S Corps give you the most protection and you don’t even need to pay extra insurance fees. 

We’ll talk more about this in the course so don’t worry about it now. 

The Contract Bond

Yes. You need a bond. 

Yes. You need it AFTER taking your exam. 

It is easy to obtain. You can get it anywhere. Don’t worry. 


If I can impart anything to you it is to simply get started.

You will make no progress being the same today as you were yesterday. 

Take the chance. Be a risktaker and see just how successful you can become. 


D-28 – Doors, Gates and Activating Devices Contractor

California Code of Regulations
Title 16, Division 8, Article 3. Classifications

A doors, gates and activating devices contractor installs, modifies or repairs all types of residential, commercial or industrial doors including overhead or sliding door assemblies. This includes but is not limited to: wood and screen doors, metal-clad doors, glass sliding/stationary doors and frames, automatic revolving doors, hospital cubical doors and related installations, power activated doors, gates, movable sun shades/shutters, card activated equipment and other access control device and any low voltage electronic or manually operated door hardware/ device.


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