D-10 – Elevated Floors
Contractors License
✓ Get Your D-10 Elevated Floors License
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✓ Be Your Own Boss
. .

Get your license.
Listen. I like the floor.
You like the floor.
Therefloor (see what I did there)
You must get your contractor license.
There’s no one else more suited for the job.
We need you.
How To Get Your D-10 Contractors License
What all does it take to get yout D-10 license?
Do you need to fight a dragon?
Rescue the princess?
Yes. But no.
You do need to pass a test on law and business though and that’s like a dragon.
You’re looking to get your license. That’s great!
But what all do you need to get started?
Turns out not much.
1. Must have 4 years of experience doing D-10 work (raising floors)
2. Must be over 18
3. Must have a valid SSN or ITIN
Chances are you have been working for over 4 years. But if you havent you can supplement those years with a degree or apprenticeship.
For more clarification you can check out the CSLB’s website on experience requirements for the exam.
Great. You have your experience and meet the rest of the requirements.
But what do you do next?
You pass a state exam. Simple right?
Yup. But not easy.
The good thing is you only need to pass one (one difference between a C class license and D class).
That test is on ‘law and business’ and it is difficult but not impossible.
The studying is where we come in.
Our job is to ensure you pass the test.
Along the way we will teach you about business, law and how to be a successful contractor to ensure you are just that, successful.
But at the end of the day our goal is to prepare you for the test.
How do we do it?
Good question. We provide multiple courses.
1. Homestudy – Where you teach yourself using different books, videos and online materials.
2. Online – Tune into our live classes and participate online.
3. In Class – Join one of our schools for in person lessons and attention.
Of course not everyone learns the same which is why we provide multiple methods.
The benefit of getting a D license is you only need to pass one test. Just the law and business exam. If you were going to get a C license you would need to take an additional trade test.
So you can brush that off your shoulders.
Really there isn’t much stopping you from getting your license.
If you have the experience then you are nearly there.
However unless you’ve studied law then you have little to no experience in what the tests asks of you. That’s why we teach you everything you need to know.
From bonds to liens, Contract law to taxes. You’ll become an expert.
All it takes is a little bit of practice. A little push.
If you have questions give us a call.
How do you verify your experience?
Who knew contractors were the last people on earth to use the mail system. I didn’t.
When you’re ready to take your exam (just about a month into the course process) we encourage you to mail in your application to the state. Only then will they process it and get back to you to schedule your test.
This great form will tell them a few things.
1. You wish to become a contractor.
2. Who you are.
3. What your business is (unless you plan to be an {Resident Management Employee (RME)}
4. You have the valid years of experience.
The CSLB verifies this by having you get a wet signature. It can be from a number of sources. A foreman, employer, even homeowner. But we recommend getting it from another D-10 contractor. This looks best on your application.
How long does it take?
The entire license process doesn’t take that long (in retrospect).
This is what I mean.
If you want it to take a long time. It will.
If you want to get it done quickly. You will.
It’s up to you.
I know you want to get to taking jobs as quickly as you can. So the best way to go about it is sticking to the process as much as you can.
If you stay up to date with everything. Show up to the classes, study online, read the material. You will feel prepared and ready to take your test quicker and honestly do better.
If you put it on the back burner for a while it will only slow you down. Or even worse you will never get your license.
On average it takes 3 months from beginning to end.
Here’s the thing
Getting your license is a great thing.
Yes. It takes some investing. Time, energy, money.
But the reward easily surpasses any investment.
Because you’re bettering yourself. You’re working hard.
You’re providing for your family and taking charge.
And that is good.
So go get your license. Take massive action. Make massive money. Be your own boss.
D-10 – Elevated Floors Contractor
California Code of Regulations
Title 16, Division 8, Article 3. ClassificationsAn elevated floors contractor installs wood or metal framed elevated computer flooring systems. This work does not include the construction of mezzanines.
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