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How To Become A Construction Project Manager?

by | License Stuff

Our CEO Allen Diaz explaining the CPM Course

Everyone’s path is different.

For example, on my way to work today, I saw a frog, swooped it up into my hands, consumed it with my mouth (ate it), and… turns out I’m allergic.

I died.

They brought me back to life using serum and electrical shockwaves and a vat of radioactive stuff.

Now I can jump really high.

That’s just my path.

Point is, everyone has a different path.

And now that I have your attention, let’s talk.

You’re trying to become a Construction Project Manager, yes?

It’s a respectable living.

In fact, Project Managers are in great demand right now. And they get paid well. Many of them don’t even have their contractor’s license.

Time to answer the question:

How do you get one of these jobs?

If you want to learn more about Construction Project Management visit our CPM page.

First, you need to be good (nay, great!) at project management.

If your brain works in logical and administrative ways, you’re probably meant for a job like this.

If you’re a creative type who never shows up on time, then maybe look into a different field of work.

Project Managers need to be on top of things.


They need to have the high ground.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was a Construction Project Manager.

You heard it here first.

But for reals, you need to master your craft.

And eat Craft cheese.

We have a course.

Construction Project Management Certification
Construction Project Management Certification

Oh, blessings and tigers and bears.

We have a course, put together by two experts in the field.

One expert who worked on huge international project.

And another expert whose work focused on residential.

In our course, which is an original book (manual) and a series of video lessons, you can learn what you need to know to become a great project manager.

They’ll tell you the inside secrets, the tricks of the trade, and what not to do (which is often better to know than what TO DO).

It’s an informative course.

Spellbinding, some say. (No one has said that).

We recommend it highly if you’re looking to get into the field.


It is a certified course (for US students).

You’ll get a certification at the end.

Which could aid you in job applications.

The course, however, is more for you to beef up on your knowledge of all things CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT.

It was put together with great care and many threading needles and even some sex wax (the surf kind).

A lot of construction project managers are making six figures.

But a bit of forewarning: it’s a demanding job.

You have to be at the top of your game.

And our course can give you a great glimpse of what you’ll be in for.

Enroll Today.

You’ll be given access to all of the lessons, quizzes, and we’ll ship your book to you.

It’s going to be fantastic.

Four little things you should know.

One: You can make good money in construction and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Two: Don’t be afraid. Jump into deep waters. Metaphorically. And sometimes muffins.

Three: See rule two.


I’ll leave you with this inspirational Abe Lincoln quote:

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

Additional Resources:

Construction Guru Extraordinaire

Construction Guru Extraordinaire







Hey, it’s me. Jack Anthony. I wrote these posts. If it helped you go ahead and leave a comment down below and checkout our courses. Other than that good luck getting your contractors license. And may the odds be ever in your favor.

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