D-3 Awning
Contractors License
✓ Get Your D-3 Awning Licenese
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✓ Only Takes A Few Weeks
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✓ Be Your Own Boss
. .

It's time right?
To get your license. Make massive money and be your own boss.
I mean if you don’t install those awnings who is?
So get your license. Make money. Be free. Be your own boss.
How To Get Your D-3 Contractors License
Where would we be without awnings.
Probably a lot hotter.
Everyone loves a good awning.
Especially rich Italian grandmas. And restruants that serve the greatest chicken like Chick-fil-a.
But that’s just me opinion.
only three things. you need:
1. Four years of experience doing D-3 Awning (by work, we mean work).
2. You must be at least 18 years old.
3. You must have a valid social security or ITIN number.
How do you get 4 years of experience? Simple. You work for someone for four years. It’s like a paid apprenticeship. That’s the beautiful thing about the trades. Once you have experience you can branch off, spread your wings, and start your own business. Like Miley Cyrus (not sure if this reference is applicable but I’m sure it is).
You can also supplement a portion of these years with a degree. Two with a bachelor. Three with a masters.
So you have the necessary four years of experience and you’re over 18-years-old.
Now what?
You have to pass one MAIN TEST with the state of California: a Law test sinde your getting a D license.
Before you ask, yes, it is difficult.
The Law (and Business) test covers business and license law. You’ll have to have decent knowledge of liens, contracts, bidding practices, baking cookies (jk), budgeting and taxes and MORE.
Will you be able to pass them without studying?
Probably not. Which is where we come in.
We’re a Contractor License School based in Southern Cal but we serve the entirety of California, selling books to all of the counties, small and large–and even a few unincorporated towns.
We’ve been in business for more than a decade, selling our course material and enrolling thousands of students through our multiple locations.
As of late, given the nature of our times (pandemic and all), we’ve updated our program to include livestreamed classes so that you can take our classes from home. The options are, like the Bradley Cooper movie, Limitless.
But what’s your phone number, you ask?
I answer.
the main question everyone asks us because everyone wants to know the answer:
But how do you prove to the state you have four years of experience doing insulation and acoustics?
The same way you scale a wall: you get someone to sign off on your application saying you have the four years of experience. Who? Well, that’s up to you. You do have a few options.
You can get the signature from your former or current employer. From a coworker. Even from a client if you’re claiming your status as self-empoyed.
But we cover all those fun details in the course.
Being self-employed in construction in California without a license is like wearing socks without sandals while stealing a dolphin from the local aquariam: illegal.
Yes, you can’t do construction in California if you don’t have a license unless you’re working for someone (and you’re actually on payroll).
If you get caught you will get in major trouble — in the form of fines or even jailtime.
What’s more, it’s illegal to even advertise without a license.
And then you say: well, as long as I’m doing work for $500 or less. Yes, that’s technically true. But that includes labor and materials. If the materials for your inconsequentially small job is $200, you can only charge $300 for labor. You can’t make much money staying under the $500 rule.
Point is, if you’re currently self-employed, you need to get your license. NEED TO.
The state isn’t going to come down on you if you claim on your application that you’re self-employed, because they want you to get your license. But if they catch you on the job site, that’s another story.
Description Of The D-3 License
This description comes from CSLB’s website and is legally accurate:
D-3 – Awnings Contractor
California Code of Regulations
Title 16, Division 8, Article 3. ClassificationsAn awning contractor installs, modifies or repairs aluminum, metal, vinyl or canvas awnings and patio covers. These installations can be either freestanding or attached to a structure. Patio enclosures or carports are not included in this classification.
A lot people ask us: when are you going to introduce free Cinnabon into the program, as in Cinnamon rolls. The answer is simple. But first, here are a few pages we want to highlight, in case you’re interested in learning more:
How To Become A General Contractor
How To Get Your Contractors License Online
How To Get Your Contractors License From Home
How To Study To Get Your Contractors License
Contractors License Requirements
Types of Contractors Licenses (All Classifications)
To answer the Cinnamon Roll question, we’re on a strict bring your own (as well as one for your teacher) policy at the moment. Check back for future updates.
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