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Alturas City It’s Time To Get Your Contractor License

by | City Stuff

Alturas Alturas Alturas, whenever you say something three times it makes you sound like a cool evil villain.

According to this geotourism page I found two minutes ago, Alturas is known for beautiful camping sites.

Who doesn’t love camping? I don’t. It’s cold, you have to sleep in a bag, eat beans out of a bag, and watch a bear go through your bags. Whenever I go camping I am thinking one thing, “I wish I was under a roof right now”.

It’s in those moments when I’m watching the starry night and a bear stealing my underwear, that I get a deep appreciation for contractors.

hiker resting near fire and tent during travelling. Alturas City It's Time To Get Your Contractor License

They do more than we realize. Every single building we have been in has been built by a contractor. Think about it, technically Steve in Minecraft is a contractor. You could argue he is the greatest contractor of all time, that man can build anything.

Back to what I was saying, we would be nowhere in society with our contractors. They are the backbone of our civilization. Don’t get me wrong, I have a deep appreciation for all first responders, but contractors should not go unnoticed.

That’s why I want to call out all Contractors in Alturas or nearby. Getting your Contractors License is one of the best choices you can make.

What is a Contractor License? Good question. A Contractors License is basically telling the state of california that you are legally certified to do that kind of work. You need a contractor’s license to do any work over $500, and to not be arrested.

Once you have your own license, you can start your own company, and be your own boss!

man wearing black denim pants with carrying hammer on holster. Alturas City It's Time To Get Your Contractor License

No more getting bossed around and being told what to do because you’ll be doing that. You don’t just get a license, you start your journey to financial freedom.

Here at the Contractor License School, we are here to help you succeed as a new business owner. We want to help you achieve financial freedom, and that’s why we started our course in the first place.

The entire program is designed to be simple, yet included is everything you need to know to pass your exam.

Our livestream package is an award winning pathway that helps you become licensed from anywhere in California.

That means that even if you are hours away and can’t attend our in person classes, you can feel like you’re in the class from home. Watch and listen to the teacher from a live recording. If you have questions, simply unmute your mic or type it in the chat.

What are the perks of having a License in Alturas? Glad you asked. Alturas is one of the smallest cities in California. That means once you are Licensed, you’ll be one of the very few there with a license. That means no competition!

You’ll be in such high demand, you won’t be able to keep up with all the jobs you’ll be landing! So what are you waiting for? The Contractor License School is here to help you. Give us a call today!

Additional Resources:

Construction Guru Extraordinaire

Construction Guru Extraordinaire


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