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Social Media Marketing – PowerHouse Package


This is the ultimate package when it comes to marketing your business. You are not just purchasing a package that will be posted for your company; we will come alongside you to architect your branding plan. Want to grow and scale BIG? Or maybe stay small. Our Team will determine the level of success you want to achieve and then build our marketing strategy around that.

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This is the ultimate package when it comes to marketing your business. You are not just purchasing a package that will be posted for your company; we will come alongside you to architect your branding plan. Want to grow and scale BIG? Or maybe stay small. Our Team will determine the level of success you want to achieve and then build our marketing strategy around that.

This package offers up to 4 DIFFERENT SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS. That means you will be posted on the internet 16 times every week.

-Monthly Zoom calls discussing plans, thoughts, and architecting our marketing plan for you.

This package is everything you need to market your business and take it to the next level.

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