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Construction Contracts California & Business Essentials

Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $149.00.

Two AMAZING Sets of Contracts. Construction Contracts California & The Business Essentials package for an amazing price. Seventy-five, that’s right 75, quality Contracts and forms to make your business thrive. Don’t miss this amazing deal.  Get it today for the price goes up.  These are contracts and forms necessary in the construction trades for the success of any construction business.  They are California compliant and will help protect and safeguard your business from potential breach of contract and lawsuits if used properly as specified by the CSLB.


In construction, there are many forms and contracts that are a necessity in order to have a growing construction business.  With over 70 plus contracts and forms, 52 Construction Contract Contracts and 23 Essential Business Forms at your disposal, you have an arsenal of information and tools to protect your company from breach of contract and or potential lawsuits.  Using an outdated proposal without all the proper construction legalize is like running through a war zone without clothes, a helmet, weapons, or water, not good.  Our contracts are up to date and protect you, your business, and your family so you can rest at ease knowing all is good in the world.

Here is what you get:

Construction Contracts California

  1. Bid Proposal
  2. Additional Description Form
  3. Original Construction Contract
  4. Home Improvement Contract
  5. Notice of Cancelation
  6. Homeowner Checklist
  7. Waiver of Right to Cancel
  8. General Liability Disclosure (Home Improvement)
  9. General Liability Disclosure (Single Family Home)
  10. Service and Repair Contract
  11. Change Order
  12. Extra Work Order
  13. Subcontractor Agreement
  14. Additional Subcontract Agreement
  15. Notice of Mechanics Lien
  16. Mechanics Lien Form
  17. Mechanics Lien Release
  18. 20-Day Preliminary Notice (Public)
  19. 20-Day Preliminary Notice (Private)
  20. Stop Notice
  21. Notice of Completion
  22. Conditional Waiver of Release for Partial Payment
  23. Unconditional Waiver of Release Progressive Payment
  24. Conditional Waiver of Release Final Payment
  25. Unconditional Waiver of Release Final Payment
  26. Notice of Non-Responsibility
  27. Contractor Job Invoice
  28. Contractors Declaration to Procure Payment
  29. Landscape Estimate
  30. Asbestos, Lead, Mold, etc Disclosure
  31. Swimming Pool Contract
  32. Swimming Pool Contract Specs
  33. Check List for Homeowners (Swimming Pools)
  34. Contractors Estimate Detail
  35. Daily Work Report
  36. Notice of Cessation
  37. Notice Right to Cancel
  38. Handyman Proposal and Contract
  39. Release of Stop Notice or Notice to Withhold (Public)
  40. Release of Stop Notice or Notice to Withhold (Private)
  41. Safety Meeting Log Report
  42. Warranty Disclosure
  43. Labor Release
  44. Waiver of Lien
  45. Notice Regarding Residential Remodeling
  46. Memorandum
  47. Request for Preliminary Notice Information
  48. Notice Resume Performance
  49. Transmittal Fillable
  50. Confirm Oral bid
  51. Confirm Oral Bid (Material and Equipment)
  52. 48-Hour Notice Commence Performance

The Business Essentials pacage

  1. Affidavit
  2. Agreement to Sell Personal Property
  3. Authorization to Release Credit Information
  4. Bad Check Notice
  5. Bill of Sale
  6. Confidentiality Agreement
  7. Consent for Drug Alcohol Testing
  8. Consumer Loan Agreement
  9. Contractor Agreement
  10. Demand for Payment
  11. Employee Disciplinary Notice
  12. Employee Non-Compete Agreement
  13. Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement
  14. Employee Notice of Dismissal
  15. Employee Warning Notice
  16. Employment Agreement
  17. Final Notice Before Legal Action
  18. General Agreement
  19. Pay Certified Payroll
  20. Quitclaim Deed
  21. Request for Reference
  22. Sales Representatives Agreement
  23. WTC Weekly Time Card


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