English - 800-659-1207 or Spanish 951-704-0002 Hello@ContractorLicenseNow.com

Terms and Conditions
Contractor License School, Here on known as CLS, wants to welcome you to a journey that is both rewarding and exciting. We look forward to getting you moving on your career choice. We fully expect to see you accomplish great things.

It is the purpose here at CLS to help each student pass either their law and trade test issued by the State of California Contractor State Licensing Board – www.cslb.ca.gov. In doing so we offer a pass test guarantee on our premium online package which consists of the following:

Online instruction on our law material.
CLS Law manual
Trade Manual – if applicable
Trade Video
Online tests
It is important to note that without completing the above-assigned materials, taking our online tests with a passing grade, and full attendance to all of our online classes CLS will not and cannot be responsible for any failed tests. Failure to accomplish our class pre-described outline for success located on the front pages of our law manual nullifies any such promise or guarantee issued by Contractor License School.

Contractor License School will do our best to provide all necessary training and instruction to pass the Contractor State Trade Exam.

Applicant (student), In order to actuate the pass test guarantee, must:

Attend all online classes made available for his/her course description.
Make themselves available for test and evaluation.
Make-up missed online classes.
Read the material and do the designated homework for each class.
Make use of our computerized online testing program.
After each online class, complete each test with a passing percentage of 80% or above.
Have paid for classes in full.

State Application:

Contractor License School will assist in the preparation of the state application by email or text. Not to include RMO or RME transfers.

The student is responsible for any fees to be collected by the state for the application.

We recognize that each student is not the same and we will do our best to assist each student in regards to their application and their learning ability.

I hereby understand this Enrollment Agreement. I understand that this is not an overnight event and that I will need to make myself available by text, phone, or email as detailed above in order to pass this test.

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