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C-5 Framing and Rough Carpentry
Contractors License

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Contractor Studying for his Contractor license

Framing and Rough Carpentry License

You’re trying to get your C-5 Framing and Rough Carpentry License, right?


You’re in the right place.

Call us.

Or keep reading for more info.



How To Get Your C-5 Contractors License

You’re a framer. You want to get your license.

That’s good.

The truth is: you NEED to get your license.


Because you can make so much more money when you have your own contractors license and you’re working for yourself. The license is the key to financial freedom. And it truly is as simple as that.

Or you’re already taking your own jobs but you don’t have your license. This is illegal, of course. And you’re running great risk. In which case you need your license ASAP.

Good news is the CSLB (Contractors State License Board) accepts your self-employed experience as experience towards getting your license. But you need to start the process.

We’ll help you through every step of the way.

THIS IS HOW IT WORKS. (WERKS — as the cool kids say).


1. Four years of experience doing C-5 type of stuff (by stuff, we mean work or werk).

2. You must be at least 18 years old. (this makes sense).

3. You must have a valid social security or ITIN number.

4. You must be a human (robots are not currently allowed to receive their license).

The 4th requirement is an attempt at humor. Sorry.


This is where the rubber meets the road, as the old guys say.

In order to get your license you have to pass the California State exams:


The trade test of course will cover the C-5 Framing and Rough Carpentry topic. Since you already have four years experience (at least) doing C-5 work this test will not be too difficult for you. Still, we’ll provide you with plenty of study material to prepare you.

SECOND TEST — Law and Business.

This one is much harder for contractors.

See, the trade tests were written by contractors.

The law test was written by lawyers.

And lawyers like to use different terminology.

Which you must learn.

Which we will teach you if you sign up for our classes.

For more info or to get started, call us at:



We get it. You’re a speed demon and you want to get the license as soon as possible.

No matter what, it will take a few weeks as you have to submit an application to the state (which they must review). We’ll of course help you fill out the application (to make sure it’s filled out properly — fewer chances it will get kicked back). And while you wait for the state, you must study.

You can technically blast through the material within a week if you study hard.

Typically our students take four weeks.

We provide you with books, practice tests, video and audio teaching.

Everything you need.


How do you prove you have four years experience doing C-5 Framing and Rough Carpentry?

I will tell you.

It’s as simple as getting one person to sign off on your state application saying (verifying) that you do indeed have the four years necessary journey-level experience (that is — either performing the work or supervising the work).

The sign-off person can be any number of persons — a current or former employer or a client (if you are a self-employed c-5 person) or a co-worker. This person doesn’t have to have their license — but that would be preferable.


Yeah. You need one.

But only after you pass the state tests.

There are a few small things we’re not mentioning here only because the most important thing is getting started. We’ll walk you through the rest of the process in our classes.

If you have any question, feel free to call us. I pasted the number elswhere on this page 🙂

Description Of The C-5 License

This is from the Contractor State License Board’s website. (CSLB). CSLB is the government department who issues your state exams as well as your license. (this is the greatest description ever and it’s not boring at all):

California Code of Regulations
Title 16, Division 8, Article 3. Classifications

A framing and rough carpentry contractor performs any form work, framing or rough carpentry necessary to construct framed structures; installs or repairs individual components of framing systems and performs any rough carpentry or associated work, including but not limited to the construction or installation of: sub-flooring, siding, exterior staircases and railings, overhead doors, roof decking, truss members, and sheathing.

The amendments made to this section in 2002 shall become operative January 1, 2003, or as soon thereafter as administratively feasible, whereupon any licensee who has passed the C-5 Carpentry, Cabinet and Millwork trade examination on or after January 10, 2000, up to the effective date of this section, shall have the C-6 Cabinet, Millwork and Finish Carpentry classification added to the applicable license.

Authority cited: Sections 7008 and 7059, Reference: Sections 7058 and 7059 (Business and Professions Code)

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