
C-39 Roofing
Contractors License

  Get Your C-39 Roofing License

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Is It Even Possible To Get Your C-39 Roofing License?

Yes. Anyone can do it.

As long as you have four years of experience in the trade. Of roofing.

If you have that, we can help you.

And we make it as easy as possible.

So thanks for stopping by.

Give us a call.



How To Get Your C-39 Contractors License

So you want to work on roofs?

Well, that’s good, because someone needs to do it.

It’s actually the most dangerous trade — thank you for doing it.

And be careful.

Guys get really comfortable working on roofs and they accidentally fall off.

The process to get your C-39 Roofing License is actually way easier than it is to work on roofs.



1. Four years of experience. Doing roofing, preferably. If you’re trying to get your welding license or some other license you may be on the wrong page.

2. You must be at least 18 years old.

3. You must have a valid social security or ITIN number. (simple stuff).

That’s about it.

Now it’s time to get your license.

HOW? (you ask).

Reading, reading, and lots more reading.

I’m kidding — mostly.

There are a few extra steps we don’t need to cover here because the most important step is this: you have to pass a Law and Business Test and a Trade Test with the state of California.

That’s where we come in.

We help you study for those tests to pass them.

And, don’t worry, we don’t make you read (too much).

Truth is, there is reading involved. We provide you with books as well as classes (in-person or livestreamed) on video and audio. And, perhaps most importantly, we provide you with practice tests that very nearly mirror the state tests.

By the time you get through our program (which only takes a few weeks — even faster than that if you need it to) you’ll be ready to pass those tests. Guaranteed.

As for the additional steps to get the license, we walk you through those — getting your Contractors Bond, getting a LiveScan, etc…

Anyway, we guarantee you’ll pass the state tests if you do the work we provide you with.


Is — how does a contractor prove that he has four years of experience?

Simple. In order to take the tests you must fill out an application (we help you with this) and send it to CSLB (Contractor State License Board) to get approved to take the tests.

On this application you must have at least one person (that’s all you need) sign off — saying that you have the required experience.

This qualifier can be your employer (or former employer), your grandma (just kidding — unless of course she was your employer), a client (if you’re self-employed — yes, the state accepts self-employed experience), or even a fellow employee.

The qualifer doesn’t need to be licensed himself. Although that would be preferable.

And, yes, to reiterate, the state accepts self-employed experience.

That means, if you’ve been doing work without your license self-employed (even though that is very illegal) they’ll accept that as experience and reward you with a license once you go through the proper process.

Description Of The C-39 Roofing License (FROM CSLB).

Here’s an epic description of the C-39 classification, taken from CSLB’s website:

California Code of Regulations
Title 16, Division 8, Article 3. Classifications

A roofing contractor installs products and repairs surfaces that seal, waterproof and weatherproof structures. This work is performed to prevent water or its derivatives, compounds or solids from penetrating such protection and gaining access to material or space beyond. In the course of this work, the contractor examines and/or prepares surfaces and uses the following material: asphaltum, pitch, tar, felt, glass fabric, urethane foam, metal roofing systems, flax, shakes, shingles, roof tile, slate or any other roofing, waterproofing, weatherproofing or membrane material(s) or a combination thereof.

Authority cited: Sections 7008 and 7059, Reference: Sections 7058 and 7059 (Business and Professions Code)

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