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C-36 Plumbing
Contractors License

  Get Your C-36 Plumbing License

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  Only Takes A Few Weeks

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Looking To Get Your Plumbing License?

Congrats. You’ve made it to the right page if you’re looking to get your plumbing (C-36) license. We’re looking forward to helping you in your quest to getting this license and establishing your business. Be sure to call us for more info.



How To Get Your C-36 Contractors License

We make it easy to get your C-36 Contractors License in only weeks. It can seem like a daunting process but we break it down step-by-step to remove frustration from the process.

What Do You Need?


1. You need 4 years experience in the trade, doing work as a plumber.  Either performing the work yourself — or supervising the work. This establishes you as a journeymen-level contractor.

2. You must be at least 18 years old.

3. You must have a valid social security or ITIN number.

If you meet these requirements, you qualify to get your C36 plumbing license. That’s the good news.

The great news is we make the process simple.

What is the process?

In order to receive your license you must fill out an application and send it to the CSLB. When they accept your application you will have to pass a Trade Test (on the C36) and a Law and Business test.

That’s where we come in.

It’s our job to help you pass those tests.

What does our program entail?

Our program seeks to help you prepare to pass your state exams. Our material is a combination of books, classes, and practice tests. You can attend our classes in-person, online, or you can order our materials and study from home at your own pace.

If you’re not sure which option is best for you, feel free to give us a call.


It’s often asked how does one prove or verify their four years of experience to the CSLB?

(btw, the CSLB is the Contractors State Licensing Board — the department of the state of California in charge of licensing contractors).

Easy. You must have someone sign off on your application verifying you have the necessary experience. This person can be an employer (current or former), a client (if you’re claiming the status of self-employed — which you can claim) or a fellow employee, whether such a person has their license or not. Although it is recommended your qualifer has his/her license.

Description Of The C-36 License (FROM CSLB).

Here’s a description of this particular classification and all that it entails, taken from CSLB’s website:

C-36 – Plumbing Contractor

California Code of Regulations
Title 16, Division 8, Article 3. Classifications

A plumbing contractor provides a means for a supply of safe water, ample in volume and of suitable temperature for the purpose intended and the proper disposal of fluid waste from the premises in all structures and fixed works. This classification includes but is not limited to:

(a)Complete removal of waste from the premises or the construction and connection of on-site waste disposal systems;

(b)Piping, storage tanks and venting for a safe and adequate supply of gases and liquids for any purpose, including vacuum, compressed air and gases for medical, dental, commercial and industrial uses;

(c)All gas appliances, flues and gas connections for all systems including suspended space heating units. This does not include forced warm air units;

(d)Water and gas piping from the property owner’s side of the utility meter to the structure or fixed works;

(e) Installation of any type of equipment to heat water, or fluids, to a temperature suitable for the purposes listed in this section, including the installation of solar equipment for this purpose; and

(f)The maintenance and replacement of all items described above and all health and safety devices such as, but not limited to, gas earthquake valves, gas control valves, back flow preventers, water conditioning equipment and regulating valves.

Authority cited: Sections 7008 and 7059, Reference: Sections 7058 and 7059 (Business and Professions Code)

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