
Get Your Contractors License Online

Enroll in our Online School and you won't have to leave the comfort of your home.

It’s only $499.

Less expensive than any school out there.

Learn from home. No hassle. No traffic.

We’ll ship your books to you.

Simple as this.

With Online School Premium, you’ll get all the resources you need to prepare for the California Law and Trade state exams you have to pass to become a licensed contractor.

Here’s what’s included (and we’ll breakdown what each of these items are).

Contractor license package 1

Law Online Video

You get access to our 4 law classes. These classes include everything you need to know to pass the Law Exam in the state of California. The classes are recorded video of our actual classes that we teach in Southern California on a weekly basis.

Law Online Audio

We’ll provide you with four audio files — the the four law classes respectively. Download these files to your phone and listen to them in the car on your commute, carry around headphones and listen to them at theme parks and at your kids’ baseball games.

The more you listen, the more you’ll learn. These audio files are top quality, professionaly recorded and produced. They are one of the greatest assets you’ll have at hand to study for the state exams because you’ll have them on your phone everywhere you go.

Law Textbook

The textbook is hand-crafted to teach you everything you need to know. You use this textbook, not just for studying, but as a memory device. It’s a fill-in-the-blank book that you use while you watch the Law Videos. This scenario forces you to focus (interaction), which causes you to learn and retain the information more easily.

Even more, there are four crucial practice tests included in this textbook.

Law Online Practice Tests

In addition to the four law practice tests included in your manual, we provide you with online tests. These tests include several hundred questions to include the potential variations of the state test. This may be the best way to study.

You will be able to take the tests over and over, as many times as you need, and we give you access to them for six months. You’ll be able to print out your test results, see what answers you got wrong (and the correct answer for each wrong answer) — then rinse, retake, repeat, until you’re ready for your state exam.

Trade Video On DVD

Whatever trade you’re trying to become licensed in (be it General B, Landscaping, or perhaps something more obscure), we have trade teaching video for you. Pop these DVDs in and follow along in your Trade Textbook.

Trade Textbook

This book will teach you everything you need to know on your trade of choice to pass the state exam.

There are practice tests included in the back. The pages with the practice tests are a different color for ease-of-access. (Great tip: answer the practice test questions in a separate notebook so you an retake them again and again.

Trade Online Practice Tests

Ever wonder what, perhaps, is the best way to study for the state exams? PRACTICE TESTS.

As iterated above, practice tests are the most highly-recommended way (by us) to prepare for the state tests. Because, by taking the exams, you can guage where you’re at in your studies and whether or not you’re prepared for the ACTUAL tests.

Application Assistance

We’ll provide you with a video that goes over, in detail, how to fill out your state application. If, after watching the video, you still have questions, feel free to call us and we can set an appt. to go over your application, line by line, over the phone.

Enrolling is simple. Only takes about 2 minutes.

Maybe less. Give it a try.
And if you have any questions, email us or give us a call. thanks!

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It only takes a few minutes to fill out your information and pay through Paypal–the interent’s most secure checkout process.

The contracting school in Temecula really changed my life.  Today I own my own business.  I would highly recommend this school for anyone trying to get their contractor license in the state of California!!

Douglas Palmer

GeneralB Licensed

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Four Steps To Get Your Contractors License:

Get Instruction

Technically, you can apply for and try to take the state tests without receiving any test prep or instruction, but this often results in failure. It’s best to get some instruction, be it from us or another school, before applying to take the exams.

Apply For The Tests

In order to get a test examination date, you have to send in your application. The only requirement on your part is that you have 4 years of experience in the trade you are applying for (ex: if you’re applying for a c-36 plumbing license, you have to have had four years of experience, in the last 10 years, of plumbing. You can’t have four years of experience in landscaping and apply to get your plumbing license. You’ll want to apply for the license in which you have the experience). Once you send in this application, the state will get back to you anywhere within two to six weeks (give or take a few days or weeks; it all depends on them). When you get your application back (if it has been approved), your test date will be about two weeks out at a location of the state’s choosing–they try to give a location closest to your home.

Often, contractors will send off their application and then begin our classes, since you will usually have a few weeks of waiting time before you receive your test date. However, it might be best to go through our program first, then send off your application, to make sure you’ve had enough time to study.

Take The Tests

Take your tests!

You’ll have to pass the Law and Trade tests. They are 125 questions each and you will be given three and a half hours to complete each of them. Not too bad.

There will also be an open-book abestos test, but that one’s easy. It’s open book! And considerably shorter than the other tests.

Addtional Items

After passing your tests, you’ll have to get fingerprinted (otherwise known as “live-scanned”). This can be done at your nearest notary for around $70.

You’ll want to get your DBA (business name). This is around $45.

FINALLY, to hold the license, you have to have what’s called a “surety bond,” in the amount of 15,000. This will cost you around $100 a year. Not too bad either.

Then, you will be a licensed contractor with a business name and everything.

Start getting those jobs and making that money.

Online School Lite

$499 a little too much for you right now.

Not to worry.

You can enroll in our ONLINE SCHOOL LITE program and save $100.

Hey, every $100 counts.

The main difference in this package is you don’t get to access the teaching in video format.

Instead, you receive the Law and Trade teaching in audio format via CDs and MP3s

The Law will come in 4 MP3 files (which are the 4 main classes — all that you need).

The Trade will come in audio CD format, respectively.

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