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C-54 Ceramic and Mosaic Tile

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We’re a Contractor School. If you’re trying to get your tile license, or any license, we can help. You can take our in-person classes, our online classes, or you can enroll in our homeschool program.

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C-54 Ceramic and Mosaic Tile Contractors License

cool video, right? almost as good as John Wick Chapter 3.


But how do you get your tile license? Isn’t it super hard, like, Guinness Book of World Records hard?

Yes. Yes it is.

Here’s the definition of what a C54 contractor does, according to Cali (yeah I’m on a nickname basis with the state of California):

California Code of Regulations
Title 16, Division 8, Article 3. Classifications

A ceramic and mosaic tile contractor prepares surfaces as necessary and installs glazed wall, ceramic, mosaic, quarry, paver, faience, glass mosaic and stone tiles; thin tile that resembles full brick, natural or simulated stone slabs for bathtubs, showers and horizontal surfaces inside of buildings, or any tile units set in the traditional or innovative tile methods, excluding hollow or structural partition tile.

Authority cited: Sections 7008 and 7059, Reference: Sections 7058 and 7059 (Business and Professions Code)


If you’re on this page because you’re looking for more information, that’s cool or whatever.

But I’m more interested in you if you’re interested in getting your C54 license. Because that’s why we’re all here. On this Earth. And maybe on Mars, depending on the date you’re reading this article.

You could very well be on Mars right now, trying to figure out how to get your contractors license.

And that’s fine too. Say hello to Elon for me.

Here’s how it works.

Apply, Apply, Apply.

You must have four years of experience in your trade — doing tile and maybe even bake sales — to be able to apply. Contrary to the header above, you only have to apply once, not three times. Also, I made up the part about the bake sales.

If you have four years of experience, you qualify.

Let’s move on.

How do you prove four years?

Get someone to sign off on your application (you only need one person —  Jet Li style — which is a reference to ‘THE ONE’ movie, or should I have made a Highlander reference?).

So, yeah, get someone who knows you’ve done the work and can verify to verify.

That’s honestly not that hard. I’m sure you have a boss or a client or a coworker or an associate who would be willing to sign for you.

By the way, the Highlander quote is, “There can only be one.”


That’s where we come in.

We can help you fill out your application, because it is surprisingly confusing, but furthermore we must move on.

You must study for your tests.

And you’re in luck: because we’re a contractor school and have all the study material you need, classes, video of those classes, audio of those classes, books, practice tests and so on and so forth that you will need to pass the tests.


You have to pass a law test and a trade test.

The law test will cover construction law.

The trade test will cover items related to your trade, like, for example, like, demolition, mortar and grouting, and tile spacers (love those — be sure to reuse them), and granite and limestone and travertine and mosaic (I think), and quartz, and lapis lazuli (might be making that one up, not sure), and much, much more.

And porcelain and tile-cutting and tile saws and Home Depot.



You get your license.

You get a bond (this is cheap).

You get a livescan (also cheap).

Yeah, it’s simpler than you think.

But you don’t have to have it all figured out right now. It’s not like you’re on Mars or something. Unless of course, as mentioned earlier, you are. In which case I take it back faster than you can cut a piece of beautiful tile to fit around the chair rail of a stairway.

I don’t even know it that sentence makes sense.

But do you know what does make sense?

Getting your contractors license.


Do it.

No Risk. No Reward.

I’ve played the board game ‘Risk’ way too much.

That being said, it’s time to get your license.

But, like, way too much. Like all night and for weeks. I’ve lost friendships. I’ve conquered vast landscapes (I’m talking about the game ‘Risk’ not real life).

Anyhow, get your license.

What would Jet Li do?

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