
C-38 Refrigeration
Contractors License

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refrigeration contractor

That's Cold! -- Get Your Refrigeration Contractors License

Getting your C38 license isn’t as hard as you think it is.

Unless of course you think it’s super easy–easy as cake.

It’s a little harder than cake.

But, still, it’s much easier than you think. 

It’s certainly easier than carrying a refrigerator up a set of stairs.

But of course your job is probably more in the realm of industrial freezers.

That’s beside the point.

The point is: if you’re trying to get your license, you’re in the right place.


How To Get Your C-38 Contractors License

It’s time to make those refrigeration dreams come true.

It’s time to finally get your license.

You’re ready to get it.

We’re ready to help you.

We’ve helped so many contractors it’s not even funny.  And why would it be funny?  It’s mostly cool.

Like a freezer.

See what I did there?


All you need is four years of experience in your trade.

Which for you is the C38 trade.

If you have that, you’re ready.

Let’s move on (like moving on from an ex-girlfriend but with fewer tears and tubs of ice cream).




You must fill out an application and get one person to sign-off on it verifying that you have the four years of necessary experience to get your C38 license.

As long as you don’t get trapped in any freezers from the time of submitting the application to the time of taking your state tests, you’ll be good.

(If you do get stuck in a freezer, do what Captain Kirk would do. Climb through the air ducts–which you probably invented and installed. Because that’s the stuff you do. Being a fridge person).

Give us a call @ 866-570-3648 to enroll.

Or enroll online.


After you submit your application to the state of California (we’ll help you fill it out so stop freaking out right now — all you have to do is get one person who knows you have the experience — be it a client or employer or fellow employee — to sign the application), the state will usher you (the state likes to ‘usher’) two tests.

(Issue you two tests, is the proper phrasing).

A law test that covers construction law and basic business principles.

And a trade test that covers all things refrigeration.

Pretty cool, right?

Get it? Cool. (It’s even funnier the second time).


We’re a contractor school and specialize in helping contractors pass the state tests. We have all the curriculum and study materials necessary to help you pass. Videos classes, audio (like podcasts — you can listen to the lessons in the car), study guides, and books.

You can take our classes online or in-person.


You get your license.

Crazy, right?

There are a few small odds and ends — like getting a surety bond and a live scan and passing an open-book asbestos test, but you don’t need to worry about those things right now. Even if you don’t know what those things are right now, that doesn’t matter.

What does matter is that you stop stalling and start calling?

Because your future depends on it.

And you don’t have to have every detail figured out before taking that leap of faith in what could be the greatest adventure of your life: starting your own business.

What are you waiting for?

Don’t play it cool — play is super cool, by getting your license.

See what I did there?


Description Of The C-35 License

This def. from CSLB.

California Code of Regulations
Title 16, Division 8, Article 3. Classifications

A refrigeration contractor constructs, fabricates, erects, installs, maintains, services and repairs refrigerators, refrigerated rooms, and insulated refrigerated spaces, temperature insulation, air-conditioning units, ducts, blowers, registers, humidity and thermostatic controls for the control of air, liquid, and/or gas temperatures below fifty degrees Fahrenheit (50 ), or ten degrees Celsius (10 ).

Authority cited: Sections 7008 and 7059, Reference: Sections 7058 and 7059 (Business and Professions Code)


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