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C-35 Lathing and Plastering
Contractors License

  Get Your C-35 Lathing and Plastering

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  Be Your Own Boss
. .


lathing and plastering

get your lathing and plastering contractors license

If you’re a big fan of lathing and plastering and, if you have four years of experience doing lathing and plastering (lathing and plastering, lathing and plastering, lathing and plastering… I’m not even sure what those words mean after repeating them so many times), then you’re in the right place.

We can help you get your license.



How To Get Your C-35 Contractors License

You can get your c35 contractors license quick.

How quick?

As quick as quick-lime and as fast as plaster coatings dry. If that makes sense to you.

And it should (it surely doesn’t make sense to me) because you’re the contractor and I’m just the guy writing this article INFORMING you that getting your contractor license isn’t as hard as you think it is.

It’s super easy. Sort of.

Here’s the basic process.

The best part is, you don’t have to have it all figured out in advance. At our Contractor License School, we walk you through each and every step in our online course or our in-person course. The choice is yours. Or you can simply order our study material and do it from home.

You have options.


If you have four years of experience in your trade, you can get your license.

It’s almost as basic as that.

The four years count whether it was gained working for a licensed contractor.

But the years also count if you’ve obtained them through self-employment, taking your own jobs. Even though you’re not supposed to be doing that.

The law is — any construction work over $500 (labor and materials) requires a licensed contractor.

Again, basic stuff.


You must be over the age of 18.

And you must be able to legally work in the country — be it you have a social security or an ITIN number.


You have the necessary requirements.


Let’s get down to business.

You know your trade inside and out. You’re ready to take your own jobs and be your own boss and start your own business. Your very own company. That’s the dream, and we love helping people reach their dreams.

Just like you’re good at coating surfaces with plaster, water, cement or sand or whatever types of crazy combinations you plastering-people use, we’re good at helping contractors (of any and all trades) get their licenses.

Just like you’re good at coating walls and whatnot, sometimes for the purposes of soundproofing or fireproofing, we’re good at being an awesome contractor school.

Just like you’re good at applying wood and metal lath, or the many other types of materials you use to support your plaster work, we’re good at… writing articles (sort of).

Here’s the point: If you’re ready to enroll, enroll.

It’s that simple.

Give us a call @ 866-570-3648 to enroll.

Or enroll online.


Tests are fun, said every psychopath ever.

We get it. Tests aren’t actually that fun–until the moment after when you’ve passed.

That’s the part that we like–getting you to that part.

At our school, we’re experts at preparing you to pass the TWO STATE TESTS you must pass in order to receive your license.

You test with the CSLB (Contractor State License Board).

One test covers all things C35 and the other covers all things Law and Business (as it pertains to construction).


Oh my!

We have everything you need to study for the tests, including online classes, books, practice tests, audio you can listen to while you’re driving (hopefully with your eyes open) and sometimes we have coffee. Sometimes. It’s not as good as Starbucks.  Then again, Starbucks isn’t as good as Kona-based Kona made coffee, but that’s another conversation for another time. Seriously, though, if you get your license and manage your business well you’ll have all the time in the world to every once in awhile visit Kona, Hawaii and enjoy the coffee and the ocean water (which is made of salt).

Pass-Test Guarantee

Can we guarantee you’ll pass the tests?


If you pass our practice tests, you’ll pass the state tests.



Contractor License School

It’s super easy, like Superman catching a falling mountain or Babe Ruth belting out a home run or downing a beer just before belting out the home run.

That’s how easy it is. With our help.


Description Of The C-35 License

This def. from CSLB.

California Code of Regulations
Title 16, Division 8, Article 3. Classifications

(a) A lathing and plastering contractor coats surfaces with a mixture of sand, gypsum plaster, quick-lime or hydrated lime and water, or sand and cement and water, or a combination of such other materials that create a permanent surface coating, including coatings for the purpose of soundproofing and fireproofing. These coatings are applied with a plasterer’s trowel or sprayed over any surface which offers a mechanical means for the support of such coating, and will adhere by suction. This contractor also installs lath (including metal studs) or any other material prepared or manufactured to provide a base or bond for such coating.

(b) A lathing and plastering contractor also applies and affixes wood and metal lath, or any other material prepared or manufactured to provide key or suction bases for the support of plaster coatings. This classification includes the channel work and metal studs for the support of metal or any other lathing material and for solid plaster partitions.

(c) Effective January 1, 1998, or as soon thereafter as administratively feasible, all C-26 licensees will be merged into the C-35 Lathing and Plastering classification. On and after January 1, 1998, no application for the C-26 classification will be accepted and no new C-26 Lathing licenses will be issued.

Authority cited: Sections 7008 and 7059, Reference: Sections 7058 and 7059 (Business and Professions Code)


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