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C-23 Ornamental Metal
Contractors License

  Get Your C-23 License

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  Be Your Own Boss
. .


ornamental metal contractors license

Ornamental Metal.

What’s up, Metal Benders?

Metal heads? — Do people call you that?

People who work test metal?

Metal people?

Whatever you call yourself, you’re here because you’re trying to get your Ornamental Metal License (C23) and we can help you get it. In fact, it’s what we do.

Keep reading.

Or call us.



How To Get Your C-23 Contractors License

Yo, yo, yo.

You like to bend metal into ornamental and beautiful designs.

But you’re currently working for someone else and you want to get your license so that you can do your own jobs. Or, you’re doing your own jobs and you realize that you need your license to be within the legal requirements.

Either way, doesn’t matter.

What does matter is that we’re a Contractor License School, ready to help you through every step it takes (like the old 80s song) to get your Contractors License.

What Does It Take?

 A little bit of time.

A little bit of motivation.

And three more basic things:

First, a picture identification of some kind. I’m sure you have one laying around.

Second, you must be over the age of eighteen.

Third, you must have four years of experience doing Ornamental Metal Work.

Makes sense, right?

What Else Do You Need?


But For Reals, What Else Do You Need?

Okay, there are a few more things you need, but those things are minor and insignificant at this point in time. Bonding, for example, comes after you pass your tests and get your license.

What Is The Process?

The process is simple, enough.

It can seem complicated, but we’ll guide you through every step.

Here’s a brief summary.

And, by the way, if you’re getting tired of this article (I certainly am) just give us a call. We like to talk:


Pass Two Tests

This is the main part of the process of getting your license is passing two tests with the state of California. One test will test your knowledge of the law (construction law writ-large and in-general). The other test will test you on the C23.

These tests can be difficult.

And that’s where we come in.

Our classes are designed to teach you everything you need to know to pass the tests.

And not only to we provide classes — we provide practice tests, video, audio (so you can listen to the classes during your commute, and books of all kinds.

Main thing is, you’re awesome.

And even if you don’t believe in yourself, we believe in you.

The law can be difficult, and our classes focus on that aspect (because you already know your trade, by definition, because you have four years of experience) because it’s the test that trips up most contractors.

That being said, we provide you with all sorts of material (including video and practice tests) of material on your trade to test to refresh you on everything that you can expect on the state test.

Now that you’ve passed the tests…

CSLB (your governing board — Contractor State License Board) issues you your license in the mail.

How Much Does It Cost?

We have different pricing models, so be sure to review those and/or call us — depending on if you’re taking our classes online or simply ordering our books or attending our classes in person. Our price can be anywhere from $499 to $999.

After you go through our schooling (or schooling of some kind) and you’re ready to take the tests, the price to take tests (and this payment goes to CSLB) is $530.

Then there are a few small costs — getting a bond and a livescan, being the main ones.

But those fees are small and you must not dwell on them now.

Point is, it’s a bit of money — but not that much when you consider that this is your future we’re talking about. This is your business. This is your dream. Less than two thousand dollars should never stop you from pursuing your dreams.

How Much Time Does It Take?

Depends on if you have a really fast and awesome Delorian car (like from the ‘Back To The Future’) movies.

Am I right?

Nah, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months depending on how much time you’re able to put in. The thing is, once you submit your application to take your tests, the state will issue you your test date within a few weeks.

Some of our students study with us for a few weeks before submitting their application.

Others submit their applications right away so that they’re forced to study.

You can get through our material (technically) in a week if you’re cramming.

Most students take four to eight weeks.

But, again, that’s not much sacrifice for an amazing future.

And starting your own business.

It’s a risk.

Everything is a risk.

Doing the same old thing is more of a risk than taking a chance on doing business.

How Do I Prove My Experience?

This is the classic question.

Here is the classic answer: When you submit your application to the state you must have one person sign your application (basically this can be your boss — former or current — or a coworker or a client if you’re currently self-employed) verifying that you have the four years.

And that’s it.

The state reviews your application.

They give you a test date.

You study with us.

You pass your tests.

You get your license.

And you get to work.


Description Of The C-23 License

This def. from CSLB.

California Code of Regulations
Title 16, Division 8, Article 3. Classifications

An ornamental metals contractor assembles, casts, cuts, shapes, stamps, forges, welds, fabricates and installs, sheet, rolled and cast, brass, bronze, copper, cast iron, wrought iron, monel metal, stainless steel, steel, and/or any other metal for the architectural treatment and ornamental decoration of structures. This classification does not include the work of a sheet metal contractor.

Authority cited: Sections 7008 and 7059, Reference: Sections 7058 and 7059 (Business and Professions Code)


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