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C-21 Building Moving / Demolition
Contractors License

  Get Your C-21 Concrete License

  Livestream or In-Person Classes

  Or Purchase The Material And Study On Your Own

  Only Takes A Few Weeks

  Pass-Test Guarantee
. .


building demolition contractor

Building Moving & Demo Contractors.

Hey, we all need buildings moved at some time in our lives.

I know I do.

Which is why we need you.

To get your C21 license.

And we can help you.

Call us for more info or keep reading.



How To Get Your C-21 Contractors License

It may be somewhat of a challenge to your C21 license (or any of the contractors licenses) but it’s certainly not as hard as it is to literally tear down an entire building.

That’s hard.

If you want to get your license and build your business as a person who tears things down for a living, we got your back.

You don’t want to wreck your career by putting this off any longer, no pun intended.

It can seem daunting and even scary to try to get your license (because you have to study and pass some tests), but we promise we’ll make the process as easy as possible.


We’re a Contractor License School based in SoCal (that means ‘Southern California’ for those of you in NorCal — is ‘NorCal’ a thing. *shrug).

Anyway, we’ve been around for more than a decade and our passion is truly your success — seeing contractors get their licenses and establish their businesses.

There are so many awesome benefits to getting your license — for example: being able to do your own jobs on your own time and be your own boss. What’s better than that?

If you have that entrepreneurial drive, you need to get your license.

Even though we’re based in Southern California, we still serve all of California with our livestreamed classes and our study material. If you live in SoCal, you’re welcome to attend our in-person classes — we have several locations.

Either way, we hope to see you there.


1. Four years of experience doing C-21 demo-related work.

2. You must be at least 18 years old.

3. You must have a valid social security or ITIN number.

Only those things, you ask.

That’s too simple, you say.

Well, like we said, it isn’t the most complicated process.

That being said, you do need to pass two tests with the state of California.

California Tests

These tests will be administered by the Contractors State License Board (CSLB). They’re the government agency that oversees construction as it pertains to licensing in our great state.

They’re also the people who bust contractors on job sites who are doing construction without a license. Which is against the law if you’re doing jobs for more than $500 (and that includes labor and materials).

So if you actually want to make money, you need the license.

Good news is, if you’ve been doing work without your license, you can still count that towards your experience and get your license. You need to get it ASAP, however.

Trade Test

The trade test will cover all things pertaining to your trade, which is tearing things down.

So it should be a pretty simple test. Still, we’ll provide you with study materials, like a book and video classes and practice tests, to make sure you’re ready to pass.

Law Test

Then there’s the law test.

This one is much harder, because the questions aren’t things you probably think about everyday while you’re tearing down perfectly good buildings and moving all the junk and debris to the dump. You’re probably thinking of what you’re going to eat that night for dinner, probably a balanced meal with plenty of protein and maybe even dark meat.

The law test is the bane of many contractors because it is difficult.

But, again, we provide you with all the study materials — including practice tests — for you to pass this test handily.

Practice Tests

We guarantee that is you pass our practice tests, you’ll pass the state tests.

All right, all right, but how do you prove you have the 4 years of experience?

Glad you asked such an easy question. It’s one of my favorites.

It’s as simple as this: you must have one person sign your application stating and verifying you have the 4 years experience.

Typically you can ask your employer to sign, or you can ask a fellow employee (someone you work with).

If you’ve been doing work self-employed (which is illegal unless you’re doing work under $500, as stated above) then you can get a client to sign the application for you.

In regards to the application, as apart of our program, we’ll assist you in filling it out so it won’t get kicked back the first time, as that can become a hassle.

Time Frame – How Long Does It All Take?

Okay, Speedy Gonzales (that would be funny if your name was actually Gonzales), it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months depending on you.

Basically, once you submit your application to the state, they usually take two to six weeks to respond with a test date. While you wait you can study. Our program only takes four weeks to complete (though most of our students pace themselves out, taking around two months).

Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Within a short time, you can get that license.

What are you waiting for?

Time is ticking.

It’s time to make a big move.

Call us: 866-570-3648

Description Of The C-21 Building Moving and Demolition:

Here’s a fantastic (legal) description of the C-21 classification, taken from the CSLB:

California Code of Regulations
Title 16, Division 8, Article 3. Classifications

A building moving/demolition contractor raises, lowers, cribs, underpins, demolishes and moves or removes structures, including their foundations. This classification does not include the alterations, additions, repairs or rehabilitation of the permanently retained portions of such structures.

Authority cited: Sections 7008 and 7059, Reference: Sections 7058 and 7059 (Business and Professions Code)

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